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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day 2 of 21 Day Fix

Day 2 of 21 Day Fix
Meals Day 2 of 21 Day FixDay two I woke up a little sore, I can tell I haven't been working out at this intensity outside of running for a bit, as I am feeling it. I kind of like being sore though, as to me it is testament that I pushed hard, hard enough to be uncomfortable now.

I completed upper body fix, which means weights. I had decided before starting this round that I would purchase 8 lb. weights because I only had 3 lb. and 5 lb. and I didn't feel like I was pushing myself enough. It's crazy how much more challenging increasing your heavy weight by only 3 lbs is! By the end my arms were JELLO :-)

I felt like my meals were yummier today, and you can check that out for yourself in the photo on the side. I made the creamy dressing that is in the 21 Day Fix recipes, and it's pretty yummy! I think I'll have that on my taco salad tonight.

Day 2 of 21 Day FixIt was a little harder to refrain from sweets and treats all day. I think one reason is I am coming off of a sugar high from the Halloween candy I consumed this past weekend, but also I was in several situations where I was surrounded by others eating sweets and then at work last night I had to make chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin muffins for a party... It's hard to bake things and not try them out! And on top of that I had to smell chili and buffalo chicken dip cooking all night!

Once again though, I love that this is only 21 days! When I was getting tired during my workout out I reminded myself that I only have to do this workout 3 times, so push it! When I wanted to eat those cookies and muffins I reminded myself it's only a little over 19 days left. I've got this! I can do this! I'm not giving up yet!
Dani the Fat Gurl Inside

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