Day one is in the books! :-)
For a first day it really wasn't bad... I think a lot of it had to do with all the planning I put into it.

I love that this program really focuses on nutrition, as that is something I really need work on still. It comes with all these cute little containers that represent different food groups are are the appropriate portion, which makes it really simple and I don't have to worry about second guessing myself or trying to figure out what a portion size is in each food group. Below each photo I wrote what that meal was made of in regards to the containers that come with the 21 Day Fix.
The first workout is BRUTAL! At least I think it is for a first workout... But, I love that it's only 30 minutes, and you only repeat each exercise twice... So, if I think I'm going to die I just start counting my reps to see how many I can do in the minute, and then move on.
The moment I was most proud of: walking by Halloween candy and thinking, "hmm... which one do I want to have? WAIT, I'm eating healthy!" I was so glad I actually remembered in my groggy state that I can live without junk food for 21 Days.
The moment that was the hardest: my knee hurt during some of the exercises, so I made sure to ice it tonight and will again tomorrow.
Looking forward to nailing day 2!
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