Recently the hubby and I ran our first 5 mile run in preparation for our half marathon in October. It was the first time either of us had run 5 miles, and I was super excited about having completed it. It helped having my husband there beside me, someone to motivate me to keep going, especially when I felt like giving up.
And boy did I feel like giving up!
But before I talk about the BIG MISTAKE I made, let me tell about what we did right, which is also what you can do when preparing for an extended run.
First, before we left the house, we mapped out our run using Run Keeper. We both knew exactly where we were running to. We had a goal. And we both wanted to get it done in under 50 minutes. Goals help. Planning helps.
What doesn't help? Not eating properly.
You see, it was the last night that Jake and I were hosting Faith Group at our house. (A Faith Group is a small group of fellow believers from our church who meet every week). Jake and I have been one of the host homes, but since we're moving in a few weeks last Thursday was our last night. Sad day :(
And since it as our last night we decided to have a little camp fire. And in rural New England it's practically illegal to have a campfire without S'mores! Well, as I've said before I LOVE SWEETS! So, first it was some hot cocoa... then a S'more... then a piece of cake, because, you know, no one else was eating it. And I consumed all of that an hour before running!
Can we say CRAMP!
About 75% of my run was spent enduring this cramp, and, honestly, had I been alone, I probably would have given up and turned back. But, thankfully, I had a partner. Someone to push me. Someone to encourage me to control my breathing or slow my pace so as to make the cramp easier to bear. Someone who WOULDN'T let me give up! And you know what? I didn't give up! I completed the run! I made it in 48 minutes and 50 seconds! I didn't die!
Having a partner or a group of people can be so helpful in keeping you on track. Whether it's someone you can physically workout with or a community of like-minded individuals such as my Challenge Groups that hold each other accountable and encourage one another.
So if you don't have someone on your team pushing you on, encouraging you and walking alongside you on your journey to being healthy and getting fit, then you need to change that. I would love for you to be a part of my next challenge group! But if that doesn't work ask around and find a friend with similar goals who will help keep you motivated. It's so very essential to your success.