Ok? Good. Moving on.
So, at Grandma's house, I'm finding that it's going to be harder to eat clean and healthy. At home, I had stopped buying ice cream, candy, cookies, and other treats. Not buying them meant not having them in the house, and not having them in the house made it a whole lot easier not to eat them. Funny how that works, isn't it? Well, that's not the case at Grandma's where there is a whole new world of sugary treats available.
This is how my day goes. I get to the bottom of my bedroom stairs where there are three jars with cookies. I go to the sink to get some water and there is an open bag of peanut butter M&Ms just to my right. I walk to the living room and pass by some candy corn on the dining room table... you get the picture.
And don't get me wrong, this is as it should be. I mean, come on, it's Grandma's house! Having sugary treats for the grandkids is practically in the job description. So it's up to me to practice self-control, willpower, and stick-to-it-ness.
My personal charge to you is that if you live in your own space DON'T BUY THE THINGS YOU KNOW YOU DON'T NEED TO EAT! Remember, it's the little decisions that lead to victory over time. But, if that isn't an option, be honest with those you are accountable to. The struggle is real folks. If you are a bonafide sugarholic, like this gurl, then you need support and help. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for it. Get some accountability and make a plan or you'll never see the results you want.
To help you get started, consider joining a Challenge Group with me. I'd love to commiserate with you, and at the same time help support and encourage you to make healthy meal choices!
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