So what do I do? I think about things I want to work on, what inspires me or what I've been learning recently, and I use those sources to give inspiration and content for new groups. I figure that there must be others out there that are like me so why not take the journey together?
For my next group I decided to call it "Bloom Where You're Planted." This came out of realizing that I need and want to make the most out of the life I have now. It's easy to wish I lived somewhere else, or made more money, or had a different life, but the reality is I am who I am, I live where I live (for now anyway), and my life can be AWESOME!
To me "blooming where you're planted" means to be present in the moment, be the best you, be the you that you want to be! A couple of books that have encouraged me in this area are The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst and Almost Amish by Nancy Sleeth. After reading these two books I was really inspired to make better decisions, recognize what is best for me and live more simply. As I embark to set out on putting some of these new ideas to practice I want to invite you to join me!
So, if you are looking to:
Lose some weight
Get in shape
Feel great
Simplify your life
Give your best
Have accountability
Be inspired
or find a community of awesome women
Consider joining us for this next challenge. You can leave a comment, find me on Facebook or email me if you are interested in joining. I would love to help others slow down, love life and love who they are!
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