I do, and there have been times when I’ve longed for that simplicity again, versus the constant noise of being ‘in the know’ about so much all the time.
Fear of missing out, believing that my online presence is necessary, and a desire to encourage and inspire others via social media has kept me there. Yesterday, out of the blue, I happened to come across a book that will be released soon about a 40-day social media fast, and it got me thinking that maybe it was time to take a bit of a break, even if temporary. So, on a whim, I decided today would be my last day to log onto Facebook or IG for 40 days, which coincidentally will take me through Thanksgiving.
I’ve fasted from social media in the past, but it’s been at least 6 years since the last time I did that. I think it’s long overdue. Seeing the weekly notification that tells me I spent 5-8 hours a day using my phone in some way (social media, photos and video, shows, text, email, etc.) seems a bit extra, so here I am getting ready to delete the apps at the end of the day.
More than just a waste of so much precious time I can never get back, I’ve found more and more that screen time leaves me dissatisfied with what I have, where I live, what I get to do, etc. Not to mention the FOMO when you see friends doing fun things that you weren’t invited to. I’m not sure what will happen after the 40 days is over, but this is what I hope to do during the 40 days:
- be present more
- read more
- engage with my kids more actively
- be thankful for all that I have been given
- work on our family photo books that I keep putting off
- be more attuned to the quiet voice of Jesus
I also plan to hop on this underused blog 3-5 times a week to share what I’m learning, how I’m growing, what’s been the hardest, and so on. So please come back to the blog regularly if you want to keep up with my cute kiddos for the next few weeks :-)
Have you ever fasted from social media before? Or even considered it? I’d love to hear of your experiences or what held you back from taking the leap.

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